When somebody uses the word 'profound' I always wonder what exactly they mean by it. Because it can be said with such passion or such dullness. Sometimes they might as well be saying, "My shirt is so red." instead of, "That was so profound." Or they might hold their breath and wonder for a time... let it mull, (whatever it is,) and think deeply for a minute, an hour, a day. It is a hard read, that word, without any more cues such as facial expression or a bigger sentence context.
When I hear the word, I have a picture association: a plunge, a dunk, a great big splash in water. I never thought about it long enough to figure out why until this morning, but I think I'm mixing the word profound with the french word, 'profonde'. "Deep." Same word basically but you can use it for deep water as well as deep thoughts. I'm still not sure, but I think the image I have fits. I never know what heavy object is making the disturbance in the water, but I see bubbles all around rising up. I see saturation; I see ripples. Nothing is the same, the water is 'disturbed' and it swirls, both on the surface, and under it. But I see it as a still photo. The kind where the photographer timed it just right. The balloon as it bursts from the pinprick. The bullet shattering the apple. Iconic kinds of photos.
Anyways hopefully this link works...
I'll let you make up your own thoughts, but I thought it was pretty profound.
On a way lighter note, and more to the title of this blog, we were at Wal-mart yesterday when Selah says, "Daddy, mommy has a lot of pimples." Speaking of when not to laugh out loud, daddy bursts into deep bubbling laughter. She says, "Daddy, it's not funny, pimples are real!" That would have been the end of it, but a stranger also laughed, and took a quick glance in my direction to confirm if this was true. (And yes, yes it is. lol) So I caved and bought something I haven't purchased in years... Foundation. Not sure if I am pleased or disgusted with myself right now.