Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It is what it is

The saying "It is what it is," really bothers me. Is it a dismissal? Is it a refusal to accept that while you don't understand the facts, you are more then happy to stand on your soap box and say... something and nothing at the same time? Is it an awkward transition to a new topic because, as the French say, "C'est la vie?" (And therefore a fatalistic acceptance and passive resistance to said topic at the same time?) WHAT IS "It is what it is?" ???

You can now understand my dilemma a little better. I lay sleepless and yet so tired that my head is spinning, and think to myself, "It is what it is." To me this is a trendier way of saying, "Meaningless, meaningless. All is meaningless." It almost sounds like something with some substance. "Been there, done that." It even sounds a little humorous. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." (Well, okay, at least that one, I GET.) But it's nothing! A vapid puff of words. Just like my nothing sleep I'm having right now. Maybe I should just "Get over it."

Let's get real here. The reason I started this blog was to write, 1: funny stories involving my kids and/or self depreciating humor, 2: an outlet for my creativity that isn't otherwise satisfied with cleaning crayola painted bathtubs , dried playdough crust off my floor, sharpie marker on the couch, kids, self, house, etc in my daily routine. (Oh Lord, let Sharpie cleaning NEVER be a part of my daily routine!!) Lately I have been feeling so depressed and self-loathing that nothing is funny. So I'm praying for God to restore my sense of delight, of joy, and more more more sleep, so that I have an eye for the funny again.



  1. "to restore my sense of delight". Love this. You're on the right track, here.

    Also, thank you for your comment on my guest post at Emily's place. :)

  2. Something about "It is what it is" bothers me, too, but I think it's that I don't know its origin. Who said it first, and what did he or she mean by it?

    I've heard it used in terms of acceptance of things you can't change.

    I hope you can change your lack of sleep!
